Adam's Completeness
"This Page Dedicated for Marriage Encouragements"
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh:
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Genesis 2:23
Marriage Fundamentals
Women! You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them! Unless you have been living alone on a deserted island your entire life, you have either heard or possibly even muttered the above statement about women. Men,what would drive us to the edge of our nerves that would prompt us to even think that sentence? Don’t we know that God created woman for us because we needed them? And that in Genesis 2:21 the Lord took part of man to form this creature called woman?
For a moment, let us put on Adam’ sandals concerning this woman creature. Adam had been living in the Garden of Eden amongst all the God-created animals of the garden. He had successfully named the animals and we would have to think he was enjoying his life. I mean there were no clocks or calendars for him to be rushed to meet looming deadlines, or the hedges trimmed, or the kitchen faucet repaired, or how he needed to be at Mr. and Mrs. Beaver’s house for dinner before the sun set. Adam had the life of perfection with no worries or unwanted pressures so he must have been enjoying his life. Or did he? If we really were to read between the lines, Adam probably had already noticed something about the creatures living in the garden with him. As intelligent as Adam was, I would think he noticed every creature had a male and female counterpart. It doesn’t say in the Bible that Adam complained to God that everyone else has a mate, but that our omnipotent God had already made plans and decided man should not be alone. (Gen 2:18 - Isn’t it refreshing to have the knowledge the Lord knows what we need before we even think about it?) Although the Bible doesn’t elaborate about Adam realizing he was incomplete, it does tell us God created Eve as a “help-meet” for Adam. A companion designed to be with man, and the man and wife remain together for their entire lives.
Now imagine Adam stretched out under a shady fig tree along the Euphrates River sipping on a strawberry smoothie and there was a slight breeze blowing across the valley. Soon Adam’s eyelids were becoming very unusually heavy and it was becoming very hard to stay awake. Soon Adam was in a God created very deep slumber. The next morning as Adam woke up and was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when he saw the most beautiful creature in the entire Garden. There was no doubt he was flabbergasted by what he saw and, if like any other man, began stuttering an introduction as soon as he saw the beautiful creature that had just appeared. The Bible said they were man and wife and were not ashamed. As soon as Adam’s eyes were in focus from the sun rising over the mountains, he realized the Lord had provided his soul mate! Sure, it may be difficult for us to fully imagine what Adam was thinking that fateful morning, but most men do have something very similar in common with Adam.
What could men of today have in common with the first created man of the world? Remember, God caused Adam to fall asleep in order to take a rib from his side and form the woman to be Adam’s help meet. What happened the next morning? Adam woke up with a wife! That’s what happened! And just like men of today, when we get married, the wife doesn’t come with any type of instruction manual.(like we would read them anyway) I would like to think Adam asked at least once, “What am I to do with this thing called a wife and a marriage?” Keep in mind, Adam didn’t have a set of parents to learn what consisted in a marriage. Most men enter marriage today as the “macho” man and without any inkling of how to grow a marriage and a relationship with a wife. Due to a deteriorating family home and lifestyle in the country today, it is obvious men are not being trained for marriage. Men, if you are in a marriage, you can rejuvenate it by focusing on what God wants us to be as husbands, and not what the world projects or portrays as a husband. Just turn on the television and there are plenty of satires that portray a lousy & lazy husband. The unfortunate part is they are masking the portrayal as comedy. Sadly, this (the TV & media) is what we are allowing to train our children unless we get our focus back on the Godly lifestyle the Lord wants us to live.
The Bible should be our Home and Marriage training manual concerning our wife, our marriage and our children. We should all have a basic Biblical knowledge of what a marriage consists. Perhaps the mature married man could mentor a single man considering marriage. If we were to choose the Biblical road on marriage, God would bless our homes and our nation. Listed below are some fundamentals of marriage that will hopefully help a man to understand how God designed the marriage relationship.
#1 – A Man needs a Wife;
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
God knew we needed a help meet before we did. Everything God created in the garden was good, so a wife is a good thing to have and to hold. Married men live longer, happier, and healthier lives as a result of a long-term marriage.
#2 – Marriage is a Covenant between a Man and a Woman
Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
A covenant is not an agreement, contract, or a partnership where two parties are meeting pre-arranged obligations and returns. A covenant is giving of oneself regardless of the return value. A covenant doesn’t have an expiration date. A covenant establishes a “one-flesh”that God intended for marriage in the garden. One flesh means both man and wife are to leave their parents an cleave to one another. The husband and wife relationship trumps the parent and child relationship.
#3 – The Husband is he Head of the Household:
Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Men, we are responsible for what happens in our home! It’s time we put our “big-boy” pants on and accept the responsibility that comes with being a husband. Many women will cringe when they see this verse, and even perhaps develop a spirit of rebellion toward their husbands. A true leader (Husband) know that the authority to rule only comes after full responsibility has been accepted. When a wife recognizes the husband has taken full responsibility, she will have wifely desire for her husband
#4– The Husband is Commanded to Love his Wife;
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands,love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
God commands us to love our wives. The love God is commanding is more than a feeling or an emotion but an act of our will toward our wives. We must determine in our hearts to love, provide, protect and be passionate toward our wives.The number one need in a wife is to be loved. Remember how you loved chasing her while you were dating? Continue that love chase within our marriage. Show her she is the most important person, outside of Christ, to be in our life.
#5– The Wife is Commanded to Respect her Husband;
Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Husbands commanded to love wives and wives commanded to respect husbands. Are we loving our wives? Are we doing things that our wives would respect us for? Respect is given in measure. Obedience from our wives doesn’t take love or honor, but respect requires them both. Men, commit to loving our wives if we want to fulfill God’s design and for our wives to respect us as husbands.
#6– Husbands and Wives are Joint Heirs to Life;
Genesis2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Life requires a husband and wife to join together to create another life.
Neither man or woman can do it alone. A joint heir means to share in the same inheritance and heritage. Husbands and wives come from two different houses, but when joined together are of the same house with the same heavenly Father. Spiritually, we are to embrace the same author of marriage and life, the Lord God. Both husband and wife make a choice for each other believing it is God’s will.
#7– A Wife is God’s Grace to the Husband;
Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
A wife is a good thing! Husbands obtain God’s favor for having a wife! The favor of the Lord is unmerited favor or grace. We need to fully understand our marriage and the importance it has in God’s eyes. The sooner we learn this the sooner we will obtain God’s favor.
#8– The Wife is the Most powerful Influence over her Husband.
Genesis 3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Adam was more persuaded to please his wife than to obey God’s command not to eat the fruit. A Godly man must learn how powerful his wife is with her words and actions. A Godly wife must learn not to misuse and harm her husband in trying to get what she wants. Christian men should fervently pray for God’s wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment in all points of his marriage.
#9– Marriage is a Sexually and Passionate Relationship
Genesis 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Most marriages want to skip this topic due for whatever reasons. Most men don’t want to talk about intimacy and passion, it’s such a girly topic. It may appear girly from the outside, but intimacy and passion must be in a marriage for it to grow and survive. Lust and passion are not the same. Lust is a sin and a loss of self-control. Passion is a fire within that forms our marriages. Men are visual creatures and what they see has a direct link to what they desire. Women are touchy creatures and want their marital sexual encounters to be full of passion and romance. The satisfaction, fulfillment, joy and pleasure are all a part of the Godly marriage experience. A Biblical marriage is sexually intimate and passionate. Marital sexualality is a life changing experience and is to remain within the marital boundaries.
#10– Marriage is the Mystery of the Messiah’s relationship with us.
Ephesians 5:32-33 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ask any married person why they tolerate some of the weird or quirky things their spouse does during a run of the day and they will most likely hear the same response. The answer is usually, “Because I love him/her” A love that covers a multitude of weirdness and quirkiness. Isn’t it a blessing to know our wives love us to the pint to overlook our strange behaviors? This same answer of love is why God continues to put up with us and our sin. He loves us and His love covers the multitude of our sin. Jesus Christ died for our sin, HE was buried, and rose again on the 3rd day to ascend to the Father and take care of our sin debt. All knowing how sinful we are, Jesus did it anyway because He loves us. This love is our pattern for loving our wives. Are we the Godly husband she desires?
Proverbs 24:3 Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:
Being wise and knowledgeable are good things, but developing the ability to understand our wives is consistent with being intimate, knowing God, and a well-established house called a home.
The best thing we can do to improve our marriages is to better prepare for marriage. Through prayer and Bible study, develop an ability of understanding our wife. When we began dwelling with understanding of what we are to be as a Godly husband, than our wives will respect and submit as a Christian wife. God laid out this plan way before any books were written on marriage and that makes Him the true expert when it comes to marriages!
In Christ Name,
Women! You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them! Unless you have been living alone on a deserted island your entire life, you have either heard or possibly even muttered the above statement about women. Men,what would drive us to the edge of our nerves that would prompt us to even think that sentence? Don’t we know that God created woman for us because we needed them? And that in Genesis 2:21 the Lord took part of man to form this creature called woman?
For a moment, let us put on Adam’ sandals concerning this woman creature. Adam had been living in the Garden of Eden amongst all the God-created animals of the garden. He had successfully named the animals and we would have to think he was enjoying his life. I mean there were no clocks or calendars for him to be rushed to meet looming deadlines, or the hedges trimmed, or the kitchen faucet repaired, or how he needed to be at Mr. and Mrs. Beaver’s house for dinner before the sun set. Adam had the life of perfection with no worries or unwanted pressures so he must have been enjoying his life. Or did he? If we really were to read between the lines, Adam probably had already noticed something about the creatures living in the garden with him. As intelligent as Adam was, I would think he noticed every creature had a male and female counterpart. It doesn’t say in the Bible that Adam complained to God that everyone else has a mate, but that our omnipotent God had already made plans and decided man should not be alone. (Gen 2:18 - Isn’t it refreshing to have the knowledge the Lord knows what we need before we even think about it?) Although the Bible doesn’t elaborate about Adam realizing he was incomplete, it does tell us God created Eve as a “help-meet” for Adam. A companion designed to be with man, and the man and wife remain together for their entire lives.
Now imagine Adam stretched out under a shady fig tree along the Euphrates River sipping on a strawberry smoothie and there was a slight breeze blowing across the valley. Soon Adam’s eyelids were becoming very unusually heavy and it was becoming very hard to stay awake. Soon Adam was in a God created very deep slumber. The next morning as Adam woke up and was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes when he saw the most beautiful creature in the entire Garden. There was no doubt he was flabbergasted by what he saw and, if like any other man, began stuttering an introduction as soon as he saw the beautiful creature that had just appeared. The Bible said they were man and wife and were not ashamed. As soon as Adam’s eyes were in focus from the sun rising over the mountains, he realized the Lord had provided his soul mate! Sure, it may be difficult for us to fully imagine what Adam was thinking that fateful morning, but most men do have something very similar in common with Adam.
What could men of today have in common with the first created man of the world? Remember, God caused Adam to fall asleep in order to take a rib from his side and form the woman to be Adam’s help meet. What happened the next morning? Adam woke up with a wife! That’s what happened! And just like men of today, when we get married, the wife doesn’t come with any type of instruction manual.(like we would read them anyway) I would like to think Adam asked at least once, “What am I to do with this thing called a wife and a marriage?” Keep in mind, Adam didn’t have a set of parents to learn what consisted in a marriage. Most men enter marriage today as the “macho” man and without any inkling of how to grow a marriage and a relationship with a wife. Due to a deteriorating family home and lifestyle in the country today, it is obvious men are not being trained for marriage. Men, if you are in a marriage, you can rejuvenate it by focusing on what God wants us to be as husbands, and not what the world projects or portrays as a husband. Just turn on the television and there are plenty of satires that portray a lousy & lazy husband. The unfortunate part is they are masking the portrayal as comedy. Sadly, this (the TV & media) is what we are allowing to train our children unless we get our focus back on the Godly lifestyle the Lord wants us to live.
The Bible should be our Home and Marriage training manual concerning our wife, our marriage and our children. We should all have a basic Biblical knowledge of what a marriage consists. Perhaps the mature married man could mentor a single man considering marriage. If we were to choose the Biblical road on marriage, God would bless our homes and our nation. Listed below are some fundamentals of marriage that will hopefully help a man to understand how God designed the marriage relationship.
#1 – A Man needs a Wife;
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
God knew we needed a help meet before we did. Everything God created in the garden was good, so a wife is a good thing to have and to hold. Married men live longer, happier, and healthier lives as a result of a long-term marriage.
#2 – Marriage is a Covenant between a Man and a Woman
Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
A covenant is not an agreement, contract, or a partnership where two parties are meeting pre-arranged obligations and returns. A covenant is giving of oneself regardless of the return value. A covenant doesn’t have an expiration date. A covenant establishes a “one-flesh”that God intended for marriage in the garden. One flesh means both man and wife are to leave their parents an cleave to one another. The husband and wife relationship trumps the parent and child relationship.
#3 – The Husband is he Head of the Household:
Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Men, we are responsible for what happens in our home! It’s time we put our “big-boy” pants on and accept the responsibility that comes with being a husband. Many women will cringe when they see this verse, and even perhaps develop a spirit of rebellion toward their husbands. A true leader (Husband) know that the authority to rule only comes after full responsibility has been accepted. When a wife recognizes the husband has taken full responsibility, she will have wifely desire for her husband
#4– The Husband is Commanded to Love his Wife;
Ephesians 5:25 Husbands,love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
God commands us to love our wives. The love God is commanding is more than a feeling or an emotion but an act of our will toward our wives. We must determine in our hearts to love, provide, protect and be passionate toward our wives.The number one need in a wife is to be loved. Remember how you loved chasing her while you were dating? Continue that love chase within our marriage. Show her she is the most important person, outside of Christ, to be in our life.
#5– The Wife is Commanded to Respect her Husband;
Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Husbands commanded to love wives and wives commanded to respect husbands. Are we loving our wives? Are we doing things that our wives would respect us for? Respect is given in measure. Obedience from our wives doesn’t take love or honor, but respect requires them both. Men, commit to loving our wives if we want to fulfill God’s design and for our wives to respect us as husbands.
#6– Husbands and Wives are Joint Heirs to Life;
Genesis2:22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Life requires a husband and wife to join together to create another life.
Neither man or woman can do it alone. A joint heir means to share in the same inheritance and heritage. Husbands and wives come from two different houses, but when joined together are of the same house with the same heavenly Father. Spiritually, we are to embrace the same author of marriage and life, the Lord God. Both husband and wife make a choice for each other believing it is God’s will.
#7– A Wife is God’s Grace to the Husband;
Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
A wife is a good thing! Husbands obtain God’s favor for having a wife! The favor of the Lord is unmerited favor or grace. We need to fully understand our marriage and the importance it has in God’s eyes. The sooner we learn this the sooner we will obtain God’s favor.
#8– The Wife is the Most powerful Influence over her Husband.
Genesis 3:12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Adam was more persuaded to please his wife than to obey God’s command not to eat the fruit. A Godly man must learn how powerful his wife is with her words and actions. A Godly wife must learn not to misuse and harm her husband in trying to get what she wants. Christian men should fervently pray for God’s wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment in all points of his marriage.
#9– Marriage is a Sexually and Passionate Relationship
Genesis 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Most marriages want to skip this topic due for whatever reasons. Most men don’t want to talk about intimacy and passion, it’s such a girly topic. It may appear girly from the outside, but intimacy and passion must be in a marriage for it to grow and survive. Lust and passion are not the same. Lust is a sin and a loss of self-control. Passion is a fire within that forms our marriages. Men are visual creatures and what they see has a direct link to what they desire. Women are touchy creatures and want their marital sexual encounters to be full of passion and romance. The satisfaction, fulfillment, joy and pleasure are all a part of the Godly marriage experience. A Biblical marriage is sexually intimate and passionate. Marital sexualality is a life changing experience and is to remain within the marital boundaries.
#10– Marriage is the Mystery of the Messiah’s relationship with us.
Ephesians 5:32-33 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Ask any married person why they tolerate some of the weird or quirky things their spouse does during a run of the day and they will most likely hear the same response. The answer is usually, “Because I love him/her” A love that covers a multitude of weirdness and quirkiness. Isn’t it a blessing to know our wives love us to the pint to overlook our strange behaviors? This same answer of love is why God continues to put up with us and our sin. He loves us and His love covers the multitude of our sin. Jesus Christ died for our sin, HE was buried, and rose again on the 3rd day to ascend to the Father and take care of our sin debt. All knowing how sinful we are, Jesus did it anyway because He loves us. This love is our pattern for loving our wives. Are we the Godly husband she desires?
Proverbs 24:3 Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:
Being wise and knowledgeable are good things, but developing the ability to understand our wives is consistent with being intimate, knowing God, and a well-established house called a home.
The best thing we can do to improve our marriages is to better prepare for marriage. Through prayer and Bible study, develop an ability of understanding our wife. When we began dwelling with understanding of what we are to be as a Godly husband, than our wives will respect and submit as a Christian wife. God laid out this plan way before any books were written on marriage and that makes Him the true expert when it comes to marriages!
In Christ Name,